Write for Us
Yes, you. Are you a passionate, talented writer who wants to share your story? Become a member of our community.
We’re looking for smart, articulate, insightful, upbeat, encouraging, optimistic, open-minded, and professional writers. We’re looking for pieces that inform, encourage, motivate and entertain, especially if it promotes social positivity, diversity, and inclusion.
If you’ve got an idea that will challenge or move our readers we want to hear about it. If you aim to bring a fresh perspective on a topic that’s keeping you up at night we want it.
We want to promote diverse voices that represent a variety of views, and that includes yours. If you have a story you want to share with the world, let us know! Write for us!
Your work will be seen by hundreds of thousands of people. Your peers, potential employers, clients, or publishers will read your work, and you’ll also learn a lot in the process, about communicating your ideas, about writing, and even about the topic you thought you already knew so well when you started.
We represent a diversity of viewpoints, sexual orientations, and religions.
Send story pitches to us via email. Please include links to writing samples or a blog if you have one. Your pitch should include a summary of what you want to cover and an estimate of the length (most pieces are typically between 500 and 1000 words long).
Write it and support it with convincing arguments, not just opinions. Fact-check, and cite sources where appropriate.
Be bold, interesting, and human.
We know that writing takes a LOT of work. We want your article to be at its best, and we’ll push you to get there. Once accepted, you’ll get extensive feedback and you’ll work closely with an editor on revisions.
What we’re looking for
You may submit a rough draft, a partial draft, or a short pitch (a paragraph or two summarizing your argument and why it matters to our readers) paired with an outline. The more complete your submission is, the better feedback we can give you. Keep in mind that we only accept original content—we do not publish anything that’s been published elsewhere (including on your blog).
Please don’t send us press releases, rough drafts or sales pitches. They make us feel sad inside.